deceduto… pura coincidenza Continue Reading
The vaccination scam
The statement: “two doses of the COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine administered 21 days apart can prevent 95% of adults aged 16 and over from developing the COVID-19 disease” (//, Consenso Covid-Pfizer) is completely false and misleading. Continue Reading
Die Behauptung, “ nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand bieten die COVID-19-mRNA-Impfstoffe eine hohe Wirksamkeit von bis zu 95 % (Comirnaty®) bzw. 94 % (COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna) (Aufklaerungsblatt Robert Koch Institut) ist unvollstaendig und bewust irrefuehrend. Continue Reading
L’affermazione: “due dosi del vaccino COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 possono impedire al 95% degli adulti dai 16 anni in poi di sviluppare la malattia COVID-19 (//, Consenso Covid-Pfeizer) è una affermazione incompleta ed ingannevole. Continue Reading
Where injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty and obedience a crime
Views: 134Sapientiae Christianae, Encyclical Letter (1890) by His Holiness Leo PP. XIII Johann Wolfgang Goethe Bertold Brecht Heinrich Boell Mahatma Ghandi German Costitution (Art. 20, Abs. 4): against everyone who intends to abolish this order (art. 3), Germans have the… Continue Reading
Quando l’ingiustizia diventa legge, la resistenza diventa dovere e l’obbedienza un crimine
Views: 239Sapientiae Christianae, lettera enciclica (1890) di Sua Santità Leone PP. XIII Johann Wolfgang Goethe Bertold Brecht Heinrich Boell Mahatma Ghandi Costituzione Tedesca (Art. 20, Abs. 4): contro ognuno, che intende di abolire questo ordine (art. 3), tutti i tedeschi… Continue Reading
Wo Recht zu Unrecht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht und Gehorsam ein Verbrechen
Views: 266Sapientiae Christianae, Lettera enciclica (1890) Papst Leo XIII Johann Wolfgang Goethe Bertold Brecht Heinrich Boell Mahatma Ghandi German Costitution (Art. 20, Abs. 4) : gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung (Art. 3) zu beseitigen, haben all Deutsche das… Continue Reading
Covid-20 – Interim Report
Views: 81 Even now some of the fundamentals of virology are still not recognized: Coronaviruses travel individually suspended in the air like smoke particles (the same dimensions of 150nm) and like pollens (which seem like their bigger brothers). They are carried… Continue Reading